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Book-summarizing service, 2020-2023


I was a writer at Blinkist, an educational app with over 7 million users. My role was to extract the key insights from non-fiction books and condense them into 15-minute reads, made available in text and audio formats. The idea is to help people integrate new insights into their busy lives.

These are some of my favorite titles that I’ve worked on:


The Great Mental Models, Vol. 3 (2021) is the third book in a series that shows how embracing mental models from various disciplines can help you make positive changes to your life. This volume focuses on mental models from systems and mathematics.

Power Play (2021) tells the story of Tesla’s rise from overambitious start-up to one of the most valuable players in the global auto industry.

Creative Acts for Curious People (2021) collects insights about creativity and design taught in the classrooms of Stanford’s renowned Hasso Plattner School of Design, also known as the d.school.

The Cult of We (2021) chronicles how the office-space company WeWork became the world’s most valued startup – only to come crashing down a few years later.

The Optimist’s Telescope (2019) explores our everyday decisions that have a long-term impact on our personal lives, our communities, and our planet.